Monday 1 August 2016

Day 5 - 1/08/2016

On my last day at the Lourdes, I went back to visit the statue of the Virgin Mary and say one last prayer before lighting a candle and placing it in front of the statue.There were springs near the Grotto that Saint Bernadette found, where people can drink the water, although it isn't actual Holy water since it wasn't blessed by a priest it still felt pretty special.
This pilgrimage has opened my eyes and brought my closer to God. Lourdes being a pilgrimage place strengthens Catholic faith as you have once in a life time experiences especially the candlelit procession and climbing the Holy Stairs while kneeing as a representation of what Jesus suffered before he was crucified on the cross. 
Some of the experiences here at Lourdes brings many Christians closer to God and the Catholic Faith due to how religious this site is and how many things you learn about one place and how one vision changed a whole families life. 

That's all for my experience here at the Lourdes in France.


Sunday 31 July 2016

Day 4 - 31/07/2016

The Catholic Church teaching on Mary that is relevant to this pilgrimage site are that the Catholic Church firmly believes that Mary was immaculately conceived. It was not suitable that our redeemer be personally associated with sin, this means that unlike the original sin that we as humans inherit at the moment of conception, Mary was exempt from his sin and in like manner, was not subject to sin throughout her life. 
The Virgin Mary appeared to St Bernadette and blessed her and her family as they were a poor family and she worked as a servant at the age of 14. 

Saturday 30 July 2016

Day 3 - 30/07/2016

Today I went to visit the statue of the Virgin Mary. As expected there were a lot of people there but it still remained to feel sacred as everyone was there for the same reason. While I was there, I learnt about the history of the Lourdes and why it is such a sacred place. 
There was a young girl named Bernadette Soubirous who claimed she saw a radiant vision of a woman in white during February 1858. Over the next couple of months the same lady would appear 17 more times to Bernadette, visions that the Roman Catholic Church would clarify the be authentic appearances of the Virgin Mary, which brought a series of messages that would make Lourdes one of the most famous pilgrimage places in the world and Bernadette Soubirous a saint. 

Friday 29 July 2016

Day 2 - 28/07/016

Today's adventure was to the Holy Stairs before joining the Candlelit procession. These are very spiritual as they represent different aspects of the Catholic religion. 

The "Holy Stairs" are 28 stairs that represent the steps between Pilate and Jesus in the courts, before Jesus was crucified. If you wanted to climb the Stairs, you climb them kneeling as it represents Jesus' suffering and endeavour to draw closer to God in Faith. We are encouraged to say a prayer on every step.

Similarly, the Candlelit procession brought me close to God. Every night at 9pm a candlelit procession begins at the Prairie and ends in front of the Rosary Basilica where pilgrims are blessed by a priest. Pilgrims carry candles and torches as well as a statue of the Virgin Mary and walk around for 1.5 hours.

Thursday 28 July 2016

Day 1 

It is the 28th of July and I have finally arrived at the  Lourdes, in France after a very long flight. I have booked my hotel not too far from the Lourdes and got my program ready for the next 5 days. I have done some research about the Lourdes and found out a few facts: 

  • Many sick or disabled people visit the Lourdes each year, especially because the town is primarily important for its religious history. 
  • It is located in southwestern France, situated at the foot of the Pyrenees mountain range and now both banked of the Gave de Pau stream. 
  • The town and its fortress formed a strategic stronghold in medieval times 
  • The most visited pilgrimage shrine in the Christian world, Lourdes is t he site of Marian apparition in 1858
I also researched activities you can do while staying at the Lourdes which include 
  • Visiting the birth place of Bernadette Soubirous, Saint Bernadette 
  • Climb the Holy Stairs which is done while kneeling 
  • Candlelit procession 
  • and much more 

Monday 25 July 2016

Welcome to my travel blog about my short, 5 day and exciting pilgrimage to Lourdes, in France. I will be showing you my day to day activities while on this pilgrimage as well as the things I learn that I can take back home. 

My adventure begins when I leave Sydney on the 27th of July 2016 for a 15 hour flight to Dubai before jumping on my next 7 hour flight to Paris then continuing to Lourdes. I should arrive at my destination on the 28th of July 2016.